Sunday, February 22, 2009

Illustration Friday - Instinct

This is for Illustration Friday's prompt "Instinct". This was the first thing to come to mind. I don't think that I pulled it off too well though, it was kind of done in a hurry.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Illustration Friday - Time

This is my entry for the topic "Time". I had already put alot of "time" into this for a different topic, but didn't finish it in "time", so since I didn't have much "time" this week, I just decided to finish this one!
This is done in Photoshop on a Wacom Tablet.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Illustration Friday - Flawed

This is my submission for this weeks topic of "flawed". The more I kept looking at this picture, the more I think that it's just not quite right. I think that it needs more flowers or maybe a background. Maybe I'll add to it another time.